
Senior Research Associate and Project Coordinator

Lisette  Torres-Gerald

Program/Areas of Interest

  • Racialized gender justice and disability in STEM and higher education
  • Inclusive science communication
  • Critical Race Theory (CRT)
  • Intersectionality
  • DisCrit
  • Critical disability studies


Dr. Lisette Torres-Gerald (also known as Dr. Lisette E. Torres) is a trained scientist and disabled scholar-activist whose work focuses on addressing racial and gender inequity and disability in STEM and higher education. She earned a Ph.D. in Education with a Certificate in Social Justice from Iowa State University and M.S. in Zoology with a Certificate in Ecology from Miami University. She is also an active member of Science for the People, a co-founder/executive board member of the National Coalition for Latinxs with Disabilities (CNLD), and an advisory board member of the Invisible Disability Project (IDP) and the STEM Persistence Advisory Board for the Science Friday Initiative.


Ph.D. Education with Certificate in Social Justice (Iowa State University)
M.S. Zoology with Certificate in Ecology (Miami University)
B.A. Earth and Environmental Science AND Religion Studies (double-major) (Lehigh University)


American Educational Research Association (AERA)
Critical Race Studies in Education Association (CRSEA)
Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS)
Science Education for Equity, Diversity and Social Justice (SEEDS)

Highlighted Publications

Torres, L.E. (2021). Sobreviviendo sin sacrificando 鈥 An intersectional DisCrit testimonio from a tired mother-scholar of color. Submitted to a special issue of Race Ethnicity and Education.

Torres, L.E. (2021). Digital contemplative community in pandemic times. Networking Knowledge, 14(1), 94-97.

Torres, L.E. (2020). Straddling death and (re) birth: A disabled Latina鈥檚 meditation on collective care and mending in pandemic times. Qualitative Inquiry.

Torres-Gerald, L.E. (2019). 鈥淪peaking truth to power and to the people鈥: Scientist bloggers of color as public intellectuals. Dissertation in ProQuest (Iowa State University).

Osei-Kofi, N., & Torres, L.E. (2015). College admissions viewbooks and the grammar of gender, race, and STEM. Cultural Studies of Science Education 10 (2), 527-544.